

Cardinal Joseph Cardijn: Founder of the JOC/YCW,  Council Father at Vatican II.

Born 13 November 1882.

1916-17: Imprisoned by German occupying forces.

Died 24 July 1967.


Independent Vietnam govt, September 1945, with Nguyen Manh Ha
1936: Foundation of the Vietnamese YCW by Nguyen Manh Ha.

1945: Ho Chi Minh forms a short-lived independent government.

1954: French colonial forces defeated at Dien Bien Phu.

1954: Geneva Accord signed temporarily dividing Vietnam into north and south.

1963: South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated in a US backed coup.

1964: Tonkin incident leads to massive expansion of US forces in Vietnam and commitment of Australian personnel.
Personnel and aircraft of RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam arrive in South Vietnam in August 1964
Wikipedia / Australian War Memorial
1964: Melbourne Catholic Advocate questions government conscription policy.

1965: Holt government commits combat troops.

1965: Pope Paul VI visits United Nations and calls for Peace; Vatican II adopts its Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today, Gaudium et Spes, including chapter on peace and international issues.

1966: Advocate hardens its editorial line against conscription with cautious support from the Brisbane Catholic Leader.

1968: Tet Offensive impacts on world opinion.

Speakers and participants at a demonstration that includes anti-Vietnam war banners, 4 July 1969
State Library of NSW / Tribune / CC 4.0
1970: Vietnam Moratorium protests in Australia.

1971: Vietnamese YCW leaders arrested and IYCW launches international solidarity campaign.

1972: Australian troops withdrawn.

1973: Paris Peace Accords signed providing for withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam.

1975: Vietnam re-united under the Democratic Republic of Vietnam after the defeat of South Vietnamese forces.